The Rituals & Secrets Behind Quick Answers To Prayers And How To Use Them
We are excited to embark on the journey of sharing this article, “Rituals & Secrets Behind Quick Answers to Prayers.” This piece was inspired by the high demand from readers of our previous article, “Learn How to Pray to God (Bible Practical Prayer Guide).” If you haven’t read it yet, we recommend starting there.
At the end of that article, we mentioned our intention to write something more spiritually advanced. We asked for your feedback, and your responses have led to the creation of this article.
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Our aim is to open your eyes to the understanding that humans are beings created in the image of God, and to reveal the potential we hold as such.
To illustrate, if you wanted to learn how to build a revolutionary airplane, you would go to the United States, the birthplace of aviation. If you wanted to create the best automobile, you would go to Germany, the origin of the automobile. While it’s possible to learn these skills elsewhere, the original inventors hold the secrets. It wasn’t by chance that God granted these nations the wisdom and knowledge to invent the airplane and the automobile.
With this in mind, it becomes clear why we say that the knowledge and worship of the Almighty God, along with the concept of monotheism, originated in Israel. The divine book, the Bible, also has its origins there. It’s fair to say that godly spirituality is rooted in Israel. To learn this spirituality, we must look to Israel—not necessarily by traveling there, but by understanding how the Israelites practiced it.
The scriptures are filled with accounts of the Israelites’ lives. We see how God led them out of Egypt, performed countless miracles, and answered their prayers swiftly. We also see the various rituals they performed to receive these quick answers.
In this article, we will examine some of these biblical events where God provided quick answers to prayers. We will dive deep into these situations to uncover the secrets behind these quick responses and how we can apply them to our own lives.
What are these Rituals?
The word “ritual” can feel uncomfortable to many, often evoking images of barbaric, ominous, or demonic practices—such as those found in certain secret societies and groups.
However, the word “ritual” simply means “a repeated set of actions.” There are rules or patterns to everything. For example, cooking a particular dish requires following a recipe and repeating the steps within that method to achieve the desired result.
This principle applies universally. There are laws governing all aspects of life. When we adhere to the tenets of these laws, we reap the benefits for which the law was established.
As the title of this article suggests, you might expect to hear instructions like: “If you want to be successful in your business, buy these materials, mix them together, then say this prayer seven times, and this will happen.” While some actions like these were performed in the scriptures and yielded results, such rituals are often conditional. Missing a step could prevent the desired outcome from being realized.
For instance, in Exodus 12:1-11, before the Israelites left Egypt, God commanded them to perform a specific ritual involving a lamb.
- Take a one-year-old lamb for each family and keep on the 10th day of the month of Nissan or Abib
- Keep the lamb for three days
- Slaughter the lamb on the 14th day at twilight
- Put the blood of the lamb at the door post
- Eat the meat roasted with bitter herbs and unleavened bread
- Do not eat it boiled or raw and do not break the bones
- Do not leave any of it till morning, if any remains till morning, burn it
- Eat it with your cloak tucked into your belt, your sandal on your feet and you staff in your hand. You can find these instructions in the book of Exodus 12: 1- 11.
The Israelites followed the ritual precisely and were spared from the final plague. However, had anyone deviated, the result might have been different. In Joshua 7, we see how the Israelites were defeated in battle because Achan violated the ritual of war by taking forbidden spoils.
Some rituals can be dangerous, as the consequences of failing to follow the rules can be more severe than not performing the ritual at all.
The rituals we will discuss here go beyond mere actions. We will delve into the principles behind these rituals, exploring what is achieved spiritually through these actions to obtain the desired results. We will examine various prayer points, one after another, to uncover the deeper meaning.
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Quick answer to prayer on how to get rich quick
A unique principle exists: The solution to a problem often lies within the problem itself. This is a fact few people realize. Did you know that the solution to your financial problem might be hidden within the problem?
Let me illustrate. In Exodus 15:23, Moses led the Israelites to the waters of Mara, which were too bitter to drink. The Israelites complained, and Moses prayed to God. God showed Moses a piece of wood, which he threw into the water, making it drinkable.
We can learn three lessons from this:
- Every problem has a solution.
- The solution is often within or near the problem.
- Sometimes prayer alone isn’t enough; action is needed.
Once you realize that every problem, no matter how severe, has a solution, you’re on the path to overcoming it. This awareness builds hope and strength.
Who would have thought that the solution to the bitter water was right beside it? Sometimes, we need to pause and reflect to gain clarity. The solution is often closer than we think. We must set aside fear and anxiety, which can paralyze us.
By gathering courage and seeking answers, we often find the solution nearby, like the piece of wood. Then, like Moses, we need to take action. It wouldn’t have been difficult for God to make the water drinkable directly, but He chose to involve human action. To earn money, you need to get out there and do something.
Returning to our point about solutions being close to problems, if you’re facing financial struggles and praying for a breakthrough, the ritual for a quick answer is giving to charity.
The Jewish people tend to be wealthy because they’ve made giving to charity a ritual. Many Jewish people give to charity every morning after praying, placing money in a Tzedakah box. This money is then used to support families in need. It’s a ritual because it’s done daily, except on the Sabbath.
Giving to charity is a powerful way to improve your financial situation. It’s a mystical practice that can become a ritual for attracting quick money. Why? Because when you give to charity, you’re helping God care for others. If He doesn’t provide for you, many would go hungry. This leaves God no choice but to bless you with more so you can continue to help His children.
The scriptures repeatedly command us to give to the poor so we can prosper. This is a clear ritual. To confirm that giving to charity is the key to financial abundance, God established the law of tithing, or giving a tenth of your income. This is a ritual because it’s meant to be done regularly.
In Malachi 3:10, God says, “Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” When you give your tithe, there’s a specific prayer to say, found in Deuteronomy 26:12-15.
So, whenever you give tithe or charity, accompany it with prayer for a quick answer. Remember, “Givers never lack.”
Another story illustrating the benefits of giving is the encounter between Elijah and the widow in 1 Kings 17:7-15. Elijah performed a miracle for her, but only after she first gave him bread. This suggests that her act of giving was a prerequisite for the miracle.
The law of receiving works hand in hand with the law of giving. The more you give, the more you receive. Sometimes, you won’t even need to pray for financial breakthrough; giving will naturally lead to receiving. It’s a universal law.
Some believe you should be careful who you give to, lest they use it against you. This is a misconception. If you sincerely help someone and face trouble, it’s not because of your good deed. In fact, your kindness might have lessened the misfortune. God, who commands us to do good, would not reward good with evil. We should be grateful if misfortune strikes while we’re doing good, as our charity might alleviate it. Imagine how much worse it would be if misfortune struck while we were sinning.
What we perceive as bad might actually be the best thing for us at that moment. If only we could see the spiritual realm, we would be filled with praise. So, continue being kind and generous; nothing bad will come of it. However, always apply wisdom in your actions.
Quick answer to prayer on how to get quick healing
There’s nothing quite like the feeling of praying when you’re sick and experiencing immediate relief. Achieving this kind of quick response to prayers for healing is possible, but it often requires earning this favor beforehand. While grace can bring about sudden turnarounds, you can also build your own “grace” through your actions.
The principle is simple: You reap what you sow. If you sow righteousness, you will reap righteousness. Sometimes, our good deeds act as a form of credit for us in the future. The scriptures offer many examples of individuals or their families being blessed due to their past actions.
A relevant example is King Hezekiah in 2 Kings 20:1-6. He was deathly ill when the prophet Isaiah informed him that God said he would die. However, Hezekiah turned to God in prayer, reminding Him of his good deeds. God heard his prayer and granted him an additional fifteen years of life.
This passage demonstrates a quick answer to prayer for healing in the Bible. Hezekiah received this favor due to his past good deeds. But what were these deeds? We find a clue in another passage.
Genesis 30:14-18 tells the story of Rachel and Leah, two sisters married to Jacob. Jacob favored Rachel, but God made Leah fruitful while Rachel remained barren. One day, Leah’s son Reuben found mandrakes, herbs believed to enhance fertility. Rachel, desperate for a child, asked Leah for the mandrakes, offering to let Leah sleep with Jacob in return. Leah agreed, and that night, she conceived another son, Issachar.
Leah already had children, but she gave up the mandrakes that could have further increased her chances of conceiving to help her sister who had none. This selfless act led to God blessing her with another child even before Rachel conceived her first.
We can infer that Leah received a miracle and a quick answer to her own prayer by prioritizing her sister’s needs. When we put others first, God puts us first. When we pray for others, our prayers are answered more readily. When we pray for and care for the sick, God quickly responds to our prayers for healing.
This is the key ritual for receiving quick answers to prayers for healing. By supporting the sick and contributing to their treatment, we create a healing miracle for ourselves that will manifest when we are in need. Kindness towards others ensures that we will never be abandoned in our time of need.
So, if someone you know is ill, or if you yourself are sick, set aside your own concerns for a moment and focus on helping others. The way solutions come to you when you do this will be astonishing. This is the ritual. Practice it, and your life will be forever changed. Make it a habit to visit the sick and contribute to the healing of others. These are the rituals that pave the way for quick answers to prayers for healing.
Note: An updated and more advanced version of this article, in the form of a short eBook (PDF), is coming soon. It will contain additional rituals and comprehensive instructions. If you’re interested, kindly contact us.
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May God bless you all. Amen and amen.
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